The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Tuesday.

Times of Malta and The Malta Independent report how lawyers tried but failed to get the magistrate presiding the Vitals hospital case to recuse himself. 

Times of Malta also reports how Steward Healthcare paid millions to Muscat-linked Accutor, a Swiss company suspected of funnelling bribes.

The Malta Independent says the tourism authority has allowed the db Group to work on the ITS site till the end of June, despite residents' complaints. Demolition and excavation works were meant to stop for the summer on June 15.

In-Nazzjon says Robert Abela is blaming candidates who allowed space to Joseph Muscat for Labour's performance at the EP and local elections. It also quotes PN leader Bernard Grech urging Maltese people to remain at the heart of European politics.

L-orizzont gives prominence to remarks by President Myriam Spiteri Debono at the Ukraine peace summit. She said peace needs a collective effort. The newspaper also focuses on remarks by Prime Minister Robert Abela at a summit of EU leaders. He said EU leaders should speak about the people's priorities. 

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