These are the leading stories in local newspapers this Saturday.

Times of Malta leads with Eurostat data that reveals how Malta is, by far, the EU country to have issued most first residence permits per capita.

The newspaper also reports on plans to develop a business centre at a site that was once earmarked for a new Gozo courthouse.

The Malta Independent leads with the start of Labour's general conference, noting that outgoing officials spoke of euthanasia, abortion, social spending and criminal libel.  

L-Orizzont leads with the government concluding its purchase of the San Gejtanu band club building in Ħamrun. It also reports that the National Audit Office had good things to say about the police force. 

In-Nazzjon leads by noting that former MP and party official Karl Gouder will be laid to rest on Saturday. It notes a "wave of messages" having been left for him in a condolences book. 


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