The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Tuesday.

Times of Malta reports how a Swiss firm that paid Joseph Muscat as a "consultant" had a secret backdoor deal to receive 30% of Steward Health Care's dividends from its “fraudulent” hospitals deal. The story is also picked up in The Malta Independent and In-Nazzjon. The latter points out that the Swiss firm Accutor received €7m in two years.

Times of Malta also reports how Prime Minister Robert Abela is under pressure to name a new nominee for the European Commission. 

In-Nazzjon reports that the relatives of murder victim Nicolette Ghirxi are meeting ministers with a plea for a holistic inquiry. On the same theme, The Malta Independent says the government has agreed to expand the terms of reference of the Nicolette Ghirxi inquiry.

l-orizzont gives prominence to the forthcoming visit by the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh. It also reports on the funeral of Dun Ang Seychell.


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