An equity watchdog and a committee that advises the University of Malta's council on issues of gender equality have called for an investigation into the vandalism of a bench that pays tribute to victims of femicide.

The bench - located just outside the university library - was defaced earlier this week.

The names of the victims were covered by black spray paint.

Kunsill Studenti Universitarji, which originally commissioned the bench, condemned  the act as "a disgusting act of violence."

On Wednesday, the Equity Office and the Gender Equality and Sexual Diversity Committee, "unequivocally" condemned the vandalism.

"The university campus is a public space designed to be a safe and nurturing environment where our community can grow and thrive," they said in a statement.

"Acts like this are completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated. An investigation into the incident has been requested. Our efforts to strongly advocate and raise awareness against gender-based violence will not stop."

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