Warning over palm oil 

Authorities warn of adverse effects on the human reproductive system

January 2, 2023| Times of Malta |31 min read
A batch of this oil contains contaminants that might have adverse effects on the human reproductive system and can also be carcinogenic. Photo: Environmental Health DirectorateA batch of this oil contains contaminants that might have adverse effects on the human reproductive system and can also be carcinogenic. Photo: Environmental Health Directorate

The authorities have issued a warning about a batch of palm oil bottles after they were found to contain high levels of contaminants used during the processing of edible oils.

These contaminants might have adverse effects on the human reproductive system and can also be carcinogenic, the authorities warned.

The Bigi-mama Zomi Palm Oil, which expires in June 2025, comes in one-litre plastic bottle. The lot number is A2001.

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