The Humanities and Mathematics departments of San Andrea Senior School, L-Imselliet, recently organised a treasure hunt in Mdina in which questions formulated by the subject teachers based on the syllabus covered in class are linked with various sites in the Silent City.

This was the second edition of the Humati-Kynigi, meaning Humanities and Maths (Humati) Hunt (Kynigi in Greek), an inter-departmental activity that links Mathematics with History, Geography, Environmental Studies, Religion and PSHD.

During the treasure hunt all the grades of senior school students were divided into groups of six or seven and given clues and riddles that they had to solve to find the various treasure hunt locations where they had to answer Maths and Humanities questions correctly to be given the riddle to the next location.

The activity helped the students revise topics tackled in class in various subjects which were integrated together in a hands-on learning experience while discovering Mdina in a fun, competitive and challenging way.

The school's Mathematics and Humanities teachers guided by their respective co-ordinators Analise Zammit Laferla and Stephen Briffa, showed great teamwork in the organisation of the event.

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