President on state visit to Greece

Will meet the Greek president and the Maltese community

July 4, 2023| Times of Malta 1 min read
President George Vella. President George Vella.

President George Vella is on a state visit to Greece.

He will have an official meeting with the President of Greece, Katerina  Sakellaropoulou, who was in Malta in October for the informal meeting of the non-executive heads of state of the European Union, known as the Arraiolos Group.

The President’s engagements in Athens also include a meeting with newly-reelected Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

The President and Mrs Vella are also due to meet with the Maltese community in Greece.

The president's delegation includes Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo.

Prof. Frank Bezzina is serving as acting president. 

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