The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Thursday.

Times of Malta reports that the run-up to tomorrow’s highly anticipated match between Malta and England is being marred by an unprecedented number of ticket touts and scammers, with fans being asked to pay over double the original selling price.

It also reports that a constitutional court has nullified the Medical Council's proceedings against doctor and PN MP Stephen Spiteri, after it found they were in breach of his fundamental rights.

The Malta Independent reports from court that a judge has ordered that hearings in the Repubblika challenge over the authorities' failure to prosecute Pilatus Bank officials should be public. It also says that the Standards Commissioner will investigate minister Miriam Dalli, but not the CEO of Project Green, over Ira Losco adverts lauding the government's initiative. 

L-orizzont says the number of early school leavers has been in constant decline. 

In-Nazzjon focuses on the PN's promise to make the environment a fundamental right. 

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