The 211th edition of Il-Belt Victoria has just been launched. Published by St George’s Basilica, the publication includes an article on the decoration of the basilica’s ceiling by Gian Battista Conti. It is written by George James Cutajar Zahra.

The director of the parish choir, Can. George Frendo, shares his experience on the choir’s tour to Vienna, while President Myriam Spiteri Debono, who hails from Victoria, also contributes to the publication.

Other articles featured in this publication include the renovation of the parish hall, activities held for the parish’s children, and a poem on the transfer of St George’s statue (known as San Ġorġ tal-Ħaġar) to Il-Ħaġar museum, written by Joe Attard. Antoine Vassallo writes on the various appointments at Il-Ħaġar.

The Victoria archpriest’s message, an album of pastoral events, documentation from the basilica archives by Toni Farrugia and the parish diary also feature in Il-Belt Victoria.

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