The Green Party has endorsed Robert Abela’s call for Malta to increase its spending on defence, saying Malta “cannot live as if we are not at risk”.
In a press statement on Saturday, ADPD leader Sandra Gauci emphasised that defence spending did not mean putting the country’s neutrality at risk – a neutrality she said had to be “aligned to today’s realities”.
The ADPD noted that countries could be attacked in various non-military ways, including cyberattacks on its energy or security systems. Malta had to be adequately prepared for such attacks, it said.
But it expressed concerns about the government’s intentions when it comes to bolstering defence spending, saying both it and the Opposition were not being clear with the people.
“While the leadership of the country was preaching peace, the Maltese Parliament was unanimously deciding in favour of Associate Membership within the NATO Parliamentary Assembly last year,” Gauci said.
“This went largely unnoticed, and with the PN Opposition party complicit. The Maltese people have a right to know what this associate membership entails, instead of being presented with a quick press,” the ADPD leader said.
“For exactly what reason have they asked for this associate membership? Will the increase in defence spending have anything to do with this membership? We have a right to answers to such questions,” Gauci said.
Debate about Malta's defence spending was ignited this week by Prime Minister Robert Abela, who endorsed an EU plan to increase member states' defence spending and called for a broader discussion about Malta's constitutional neutrality.
Malta spent roughly 1.2% of all government spending, or €90 million, on defence in 2023.
Abela's calls for enhanced defence spending were endorsed by the Opposition, which however noted that Abela was now saying what he had previously criticised the PN for suggesting.
The Green Party said Malta’s neutrality could help it serve as mediators in conflict, but that being neutral did not mean being passive.
“We have the right and a civil duty to take a clear position whenever faced with abuse, hatred, and cruelty,” the party said. “We cannot remain silent claiming neutrality whilst witnessing atrocities. There is the need for the government to take a clear stance and voice its objection when there are violations of human rights. Now more than ever, we must show our moral stance and condemn any such abuse. The current situation in Gaza being a case in point.”