Updated Wednesday 1.47pm

The EU's Noise Pollution Directive does not affect fireworks, Nationalist MEP Peter Agius said on Tuesday after making inquiries with the European Commission.

He said that in an official reply, Environment Commissioner Jessika Roswall, said: “In the Commission’s assessment, noise from cultural events or traditional festivals would not be included in the scope of the Environmental Noise Directive.”

Agius said the commission's reply contradicted remarks by Labour MEP  Alex Agius Saliba who, he said, brought up pyrotechnics and traditional feasts as an excuse for the government's lack of action in protecting Maltese citizens when speaking at a meeting of the European Parliament's petitions committee.

Agius Saliba speaking during the EP meeting.

"It is not true that if the Maltese government takes action to protect citizens from excessive noise, it would be affecting fireworks and traditional feasts,” Agius insisted. 

He has submitted a petition to the European Parliament, urging Malta to ensure effective control over noise disturbances from construction, traffic, and commercial activities in residential areas during rest hours. 

“As an MEP, it is my duty to ensure that Maltese citizens benefit from the rights granted by Europe. I will continue to fight for this because we joined Europe to enjoy its rights” Agius said.

In a response on Wednesday, Agius Saliba said he did not claim that fireworks are included in EU rules on noise.

“I have never said that pyrotechnics and feasts are included in the scope of the EU Environmental Noise Directive. In fact, the reply of the Commission to MEP Agius confirms my argument that the scope of the EU directive is limited to aviation, roadworks, and big industrial works,” Agius Saliba said.

“My argument was and still stands - Peter Agius has requested the Commission to extend the scope of the EU directive to include also restaurants and bars. In the case of an extension of the scope, there is a real risk that feasts and pyrotechnics would also be included,” he said.


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