Gozo Visual and Performing Arts School holds exhibition

Paintings on show feature works by five students

March 13, 2024| Times of Malta 1 min read
Exhibiting their works are, from left, Ġorġ Pavia, Josienne Scicluna Grech, art teacher Denis Mompalao, Sylvia Marie Grech and Marita Buttigieg. Photo: Charles SpiteriExhibiting their works are, from left, Ġorġ Pavia, Josienne Scicluna Grech, art teacher Denis Mompalao, Sylvia Marie Grech and Marita Buttigieg. Photo: Charles Spiteri

The Gozo Visual and Performing Arts School is holding a painting exhibition at the school’s hall in Xewkija. A Journey into Creativity – An Artistic Melange features the works of art students Marita Buttigieg, Sylvia Marie Grech, Louise Mallia, Ġorġ Pavia and Josienne Scicluna Grech. The exhibition is being curated by art teacher Denis Mompalao.

The school brings together dance, drama, arts and music under one roof. The main focus is the provision of a learner-centred curriculum which promotes creativity, innovation, participation, reflection, personal independence and the development of lifelong learners.

These subjects offer effective exposure to meaningful creative practices and educational experiences. The school plays a significant role in developing future audiences that will appreciate and actively participate in national and international cultural events.

The exhibition is on until March 22, Monday to Friday between 9am and 6pm; Saturday from 8.30am to 11.30am.

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