Leonid Mckay will be appointed the Labour Party's new CEO, the party announced, one day after Randolph Debattista quit the job for unspecified reasons. 

Mckay is currently serving as the CEO of Jobsplus and has previously been the CEO of the Housing Authority as well as the director of the Authority for the Responsible Use of Cannabis. 

He at one time also served as the director at Caritas Malta. 

In a statement, the PL thanked Debattista for his work and for delivering projects that would leave fruit for generations to come. 

The latest shake-up in the PL's upper echelons comes ahead of an extraordinary general conference set to take place this evening. 

The conference is set to discuss, among other things, whether it should allow parliamentary group members to contest for the role of deputy leader of party affairs, likely paving the way for Alex Agius Saliba to run for the job. 

In recent months the party lost its deputy leader Daniel Micallef, while resignations in the office of the prime minister have also been announced in recent days. 

Robert Abela's former chief of staff Glenn Micallef resigned in June, before being nominated as Malta's pick for European Commissioner. 

Aleander Balzan, one of the PM's policy advisors, also resigned last week, followed by the PL's head of communications Ronald Vassallo, who resigned yesterday. 

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