The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Monday.

Times of Malta leads with news that a company erroneously charged with money laundering has demanded financial compensation from the state over the blunder.

It separately reports that Independent candidate Arnold Cassola has received a bump in his polling numbers a week ahead of next Saturday’s elections which could see him nab one of Malta’s six seats at the European Parliament, according to a new Times of Malta poll.

The Malta Independent reports that two people accused in connection with the hospitals inquiry have resigned their respective directorships within the companies which run the Convenience Shop retail chain and the new Shoreline Mall.

It also reports that according to former prime minister Alfred Sant, pro-Muscat protests outside court can do no good.

In-Nazzjon meanwhile leads its front with a thank you to party supporters who on Sunday donated over €303,000 to the PN.

It also publishes comments by the party leader Bernard Grech about PN's "clear plans" on a local and European level.

Similarly, L-orizzont leads with comments by PL leader and prime minister Robert Abela who on Sunday told party supporters he wanted a Malta that favoured peace. 

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