Updated 8.05 with prime minister's reaction.

Opposition leader Bernard Grech has asked Speaker Anġlu Farrugia to recall parliament to discuss Edward Scicluna's position after he refused to resign as governor of the Central Bank in the wake of charges of fraud and misappropriation.

The charges were filed against Scicluna two months ago as part of the Vitals hospital case. On Wednesday, a magistrate ruled there was enough evidence for the case to proceed to trial.

Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne resigned from the Cabinet as soon as the charges were filed, and permanent secretary Ronald Mizzi stepped down on Wednesday. Both face the same charges as Scicluna.

The prime minister on Wednesday also indicated that Scicluna should resign, but Scicluna has held firm, pointing to the independence of Central Bank governors, who fall under EU rules.

The Nationalist Party has insisted that if the prime minister cannot remove Scicluna, he should at least remove him from his other post of deputy chairperson of the MFSA.

The House of Representatives rose for its summer recess last week and is not due to reconvene until early October. 

Grech, however, is calling for an urgent sitting, saying that parliament should demand and make sure that there is seriousness and accountability in Malta's national institutions with no personal interests coming before the interests of the country.

"I am sure you agree with me that Wednesday's court decision had made Edward Scicluna's position as Governor of the Central Bank and deputy governor of the Malta Financial Services Authority untenable," Grech told the Speaker. 

"Prof. Scicluna's decision not to resign his posts is absurd, irresponsible and and harmful to Malta's reputation."  

Grech asked the Speaker to consult Leader of the House Owen Bonnici so that the two sides could agree to urgently convene the House to discuss the situation.  

The Opposition leader's letter is reproduced in the pdf file below.

Abela dismisses Opopsition's request

Prime Minister Robert Abela dismissed the Opposition's request when speaking later on Thursday, saying it was 'a stunt'.


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