The beach underneath Buġibba square has been cleared for swimming after health authorities issued a contamination warning for the area last week. 

In a statement on Friday, the Superintendence of Public Health said that after repeated seawater samples taken from the area during these past few days, the bay has been found to be suitable for swimming again. 

Times of Malta previously reported how the contamination warning did not seem to be much of a deterrent last week, as people continued to swim in the area despite several warning signs posted. 

The country has been plagued by a series of beach closures due to contamination this summer, including the popular Balluta Bay, which has been closed up since May, leaving visitors disappointed and businesses impacted

Despite the bay being closed for nearly three months, authorities have said that no fines have been handed out. 

May also saw a section of St Paul's Bay near the government school closed because of a sewage overflow.

Meanwhile, St George’s Bay in Birżebbuġa was closed for a second time last month after the water became contaminated with sewage following a blockage in a nearby public toilet.

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