And the most read stories of Times of Malta in 2022 are…

Crime stories topped most categories

December 31, 2022| Times of Malta 1 min read
Some of the more popular stories.Some of the more popular stories.

This year started where 2021 left off, with the COVID-19 pandemic unleashing social and economic distress.

That was before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine shifted the world’s attention, creating a generation of refugees and fuelling inflation across the world. It even almost eclipsed Malta’s general election.

2022 in Malta brought another rollercoaster year, from court drama to political scandals.

But Times of Malta readers were mostly engaged with crime stories and drama, as our lists of most-popular stories shows. 

The remnants of the Corradino building that collapsed. Photo: Malta PoliceThe remnants of the Corradino building that collapsed. Photo: Malta Police

The first of these lists ranks articles by what we define as 'quality views', meaning only readers who spent at least 15 seconds reading the article are taken into account when compiling the ranking. 

The second list ranks the top 10 stories by total engagement, which takes into account both the number of visits that an article receives, as well as the amount of time each reader spends on it.

We are also including a selection of articles that narrowly missed out on making these two lists.   

Top stories by ‘quality views’ 

1.    One dead, five in hospital as Corradino building collapses

2.    Woman shot dead in Corradino identified as mother-of-two Bernice Cassar

3.    Priest ‘whose life has ended’ over money laundering gets bail

4.    ‘Healthy’ 28-year-old dies four months after wedding day

5.    Abner Aquilina had a history of online sexual harassment

6.    These are the many roads that will be closed for the pope’s visit

7.    Attorney General prosecutor found dead at his Swieqi home

8.    ‘I am Tumas Fenech’s son, but his family refuses a DNA test'

9.    Marsaxlokk parish priest misappropriated tens of thousands on porn sites

10.    Abela’s cabinet: Fearne keeps health, Farrugia for roads, Borg moves to foreign

Bernice Cassar, inset, was shot as she drove to work in Paola. Photo: Facebook/Ivan MartinBernice Cassar, inset, was shot as she drove to work in Paola. Photo: Facebook/Ivan Martin

Top stories by ‘total engagement’ 

1.    Priest whose 'life has ended' over money laundering case gets bail

2.    'I am Tumas Fenech’s son, but his family refuses a DNA test'

3.    Who are the MPs that have been elected?

4.    ‘We knew what dad did at home, but no one listened to us

5.    Heart doctor Albert Fenech was found dead with ECG leads on his chest

6.    Abner Aquilina had history of online sexual harassment

7.    Suicide victim’s widow was targeted by hate speech

8.    George Degiorgio confesses to Daphne murder, says it was ‘just business’

9.    Abela’s cabinet: Fearne keeps health, Farrugia for roads, Borg moves to foreign

10.    These are the many roads that will be closed for the pope’s visit

Fr Luke Seguna with one of his motorbikes. Photo: FacebookFr Luke Seguna with one of his motorbikes. Photo: Facebook

Photo of the car involved in the incident that eventually killed Victor Calvagna. Photo: Malta Police Force. Inset: Cancer specialist Victor Calvagna, one of the founders of Puttinu CaresPhoto of the car involved in the incident that eventually killed Victor Calvagna. Photo: Malta Police Force. Inset: Cancer specialist Victor Calvagna, one of the founders of Puttinu Cares

Other popular stories which just missed out

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