Structures can be developed without public scrutiny as long as they are associated with a greening project - ADPD
Byron Camilleri must shoulder political responsibility for AFM security breach
Green party calls for more action from authorities
Green Party endorses Sunday demonstration against plan to reform inquiries law
Green Party questions parliament's quiet vote to move closer to NATO last year
Emphasis should be on primary health care and family doctors - ADPD
The Green Party is ready to call for an abrogative referendum to prevent legal changes shielding public officials from criminal liability
The country needs serious accountability for major scandals, they said
Complaint filed with Standards Commissioner, highlights conflict of interest
Il-Kollettiv rebuffs claims of splintering, highlights grassroots efforts for democratic change
The party insists that the allocation of extra seats only to the parties already in parliament is discriminatory
The party argued unsuccessfully that the mechanism contradicted the Consitution
Greens leader insists that every vote should be represented
Green Party says scandal 'must be treated as a crime'
Green Party's deputy secretary accuses PM of enabling a culture of corruption and impunity
Green Party calls on government to encourage people to shop locally to avoid traffic
Green Party says project will fuel further car use, despite masterplan's fine words
The government cannot keep subsidising fossil fuels at the expense of investing in renewables, they said
Green Party says ongoing scandals send message that law does not apply to all
Green Party echoes calls made by activist group about Middle East conflict
Critics of plans to close off the Mosta Square to traffic are 'opposing progress'
Green Party says scale of alleged racket cannot be downplayed
Party chairperson Sandra Gauci highlights ongoing issues despite Prime Minister Abela’s promises
Ralph Cassar submits planning objection on behalf of residents
Ivan Grech Mintoff opened the libel case against ADPD after articles claimed he acted "inappropriately" when attending a children's event
Sandra Gauci reflects on outcome of MEP and local council elections
Focus will now switch to Naxxar counting hall for Sunday's counting process
Tongue planted firmly in cheek, the ADPD leader read and replied to nasty comments on camera
A vote for ADPD on June 8 is a vote for a better quality of life for everyone
Steve Ellul, Peter Agius, and Sandra Gauci spoke about Malta's reputation abroad and tapping EU funds
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