If we delve deeper into the distracted mind of the adolescent, we can harness that knowledge and create a dynamic learning environment where this age group can thrive
Education about love and sexuality is absolutely essential, says French education minister
Pupils, staff and volunteers worked under the direction of a local tree expert
Meeting with the teacher and the school was ‘very fruitful, positive’
Stefan Vassallo's student was withdrawn from school when his parents realised the teacher was gay
He currently heads the Archbishop’s Seminary School in Rabat
'Integrated extracurricular activities could reduce traffic and boost family quality time', Fenech says
Mayor and student Simona Refalo 'understands the pressure brought about by exams'
The top stories in Malta's newspapers
‘I accept his personality but don’t want him to teach my children’, mother says
Participants also had the unique opportunity to network, discuss and share experiences with several other educators from across Europe
Research at the University of Malta reveals that many teachers feel unprepared to address complex issues like climate change effectively
Childhood has changed in many ways in the past decades
Commit to learn more this year with MG2i
Opposition is latest to react to controversial NCPE study
We need to invest in more resources to enhance Maltese and English language learning
Clifton Grima said changes in the education system should prioritise children's wellbeing
But many parents do not agree with the suggestion
It is madness to do policy without involving experts. Yet, that is what happened with recent strategic documents on education were drafted
Most parents do not use or are unaware of Klabb 3-16 after-school services
Rail traffic was also severely affected while teachers also joined the walkout
A recent study sought to evaluate the potential of TQM as a strategic framework to improve the quality of academic post-secondary education in Malta
She is due to address a global summit on girls' education in the Islamic world
Multilingualism also constitutes a powerful instrument to foster tolerance and respect for others
Certificates presented to volunteers who completed 2024 training courses
The benefits of including financial literacy in schools are huge
An ‘English-is-enough' mindset is prevailing at post-secondary level, research finds
Malta’s “comparatively low scores” contradict its high education budget
School curriculum features classes designed to get students to think about online world
'Stretching Boundaries of Critical Education' is not restricted to schooling
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