Electric trams operated in Malta from 1905 till 1932
Historic events witnessed by the Senglea waterfront over the centuries
Structures around the islands that paid the ultimate price to real or perceived progress
Insensitivity, greed or ignorance have harmed some of Gozo’s man-made or natural attractions
Icons of mortality used to command intense morbid popularity prior to WWII
Peter III of Aragon’s victory over Charles of Anjou ensured that the Maltese islands became part of the Aragonese empire
Mutations – some beyond anyone’s control, others self-inflicted – suffered by the island’s capital
The very first applications of electricity outside of the Valletta harbours’ environs
Any joyful occasion provided a good excuse for fireworks displays – mostly religious festas, visits by royalty, military victories, and political milestones
Rare images of civilian life in Malta under the blitz
Little is known about Africans brought to Malta during World War II to carry out manual labour
There were an estimated 70 wheat windmills in Malta under the Knights. Only a handful survived
A 19th-century album of cartes-de-visite probably reveals for the first time photos of Caruana, his wife, children and uncles
Most of the sportsmen belonged to the British army and navy, and rarely the air force, stationed in or passing through Malta
The Spanish holy man’s mummified arm was brought to Malta in 1924
Peter Agius gives some background regarding the London end of the pavilion's organisation
The postcards assumed a relatively standard format – in full colour, generally with ‘composite’ multiple photographic images rather than creative artwork
Earlier ones were mostly a message printed in monochrome, sometimes without creative graphics
One of the island’s most prolific, successful, versatile and professional photographers in 19th century
Rare eight-page poem was written by an ‘amateur’ on frail pieces of paper
Used by ladies to adorn themselves since at least the 17th century, Maltese lace flourished again when Queen Victoria started wearing it
The tiny island served as a haven for pirates, a place of confinement, a pig farm and a posh tourist resort
Local poster artists in the 1930s came up with extraordinary examples of bold art deco graphics
Maltese people rarely feature in the postcard vignettes. And when they do, only disparagingly
Malta’s pavilion promoted the island’s prehistory, the Order of St John, and local industry and tourism
The authorities spared little effort to strengthen the colonial link and the bonds of loyalty to the British overlord
The island celebrated Edward VII crowning on August 9, 1902, and George V’s on June 22, 1911
Baden-Powell saw the boy scout and girl guide movements as conveyors of patriotism, civic virtue, character forging and promoters of empire
Two flat images sprung miraculously to life in a perfect 3D illusion using stereoscopic photography
It involved punishing manual labour, filth, lung cancer, danger, and beggarly remuneration
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